Tuesday 10 January 2017

The joys of pregnancy...not

Don't let anyone fool you- pregnancy is no cakewalk, especially if you are expecting multiples. While I was lucky enough to escape the nausea of the first trimester, the second trimester was brutal and by the third, I was begging the babies to make an early appearance. I have groin pain, constant heaviness in the lower abdomen area, a stomach that looks as if it has been punched and pushed with purple bruise marks all over and I have had problems sleeping for the last 4 months. It is shocking how uncomfortable and abnormal it feels to be pregnant. You are no longer in control of your body. The belly grows, the feet swell, rib cage expands and you can't do anything but seethe angrily when people comment on your changing body.  The only perk of pregnancy is that you can get away doing as little as possible. It has been months since I've carried anything or done any household chore. Oh and the other perk is that you have healthy, lustrous hair. My hair has never looked ths good. There are also moments of pure joy. Like the time you see a kidney bean which is flickering on the screen or a baby in all its glory in a 3D ultrasound or the first time you realise that the funny sensation in your belly is the baby( in my case babies) kicking. 

It also has to be said that I'm one of the lucky twin moms. My twins have measured right on track, except for the last 4 weeks. My BP has been perfect and there has been no sign of gestational diabetes. More importantly, I haven't been put on bed rest. Hats off to all moms who are are put on bed rest and still manage to remain sane. And while we are at it, double the hats off to moms of triplets and high order multiples. I just don't know how you did it. 

P.S This was meant to be posted in September 2016.