Monday 7 April 2014

Half empty or half full...?

It was exactly a month back that I packed up my bags and moved to Kuala Lumpur. J (my husband) was offered a great opportunity with a Malaysian bank and after years of living in Gurgaon and working with the same company, life had become dull and predictable. We have taken a leap into the great unknown as countless others have done. We got rid of our furniture, packed away our belongings, settled financial matters, bid farewell to our relatives and friends and moved to Malaysia. 

I had a vague sense of what it would feel like to live in another country. But no matter how much you read and talk to people, nothing prepares you for the move. This country is familiar (how I would hate to live in a place where people didn't even vaguely resemble me; think Sweden and the like) and maddening (Malaysians need to be educated on the benefits of vegetarianism and unrefined, whole grains) 

While J has immersed himself in his work, I have decided to take a break from work. For a year or so, this is what I wanted. I was stuck in a dead end job that didn't interest me and longed for a different routine. And boy, have I got it! Yes, there are times when I miss not going to work everyday and that feeling of security that I'll have a paycheck at the end of the month.  Yes, I do get nervous at the prospect that everything that I have learnt and achieved in the last 8 odd years will go down the crap hole if I continue to be jobless. Yes, I miss the banal conversations with my colleagues and observing all the politics that gets played out between people at all levels. 

I'm reminded of a line from a movie that I watched many years ago (don't remember the name)

"Don't be afraid to die, be afraid of living an unlived life" 

For the first time in my life, the plan isn't all that clear. The future is vague, but the possibilities are many. To live in the present, isn't that what happiness is about?