Friday 23 August 2013

A beginning

In the beginning, there was a girl. Head strong and full of dreams. Dreams of becoming an actress ( Chitrahaar on DD would bring a huge smile on her face), a teacher (since her mother was one) or a beauty salon owner ( fascinating place with colorful bottles and jars) She played in the sand, dragged her stuffed toys all over the house, loved the wind in her hair as she coasted along the Delhi roads in her father's scooter.   She had a best friend who was like her and yet different. They were inseparable and their parents wished that they would widen their friend circle. She loved food- cakes, ice cream, chilli garlic noodles from Golden Dragon, pizzas from Nirulas. She fought with her grandmother (Why, you may ask. That's a story for later) She had smooth silky hair, big eyes and a toothy smile. She was tubby much to her parents' dismay. She loved taking long showers and imagined herself either as a voluptuous actress in a rain dance or as a blonde haired teenager water skiing in a town called Summerdale. She followed the tales of Archie and the gang. She loved to read. It began with the Famous Five and the Secret Garden, and soon she moved to Sidney Sheldon and the wonderful novels written by English writers of the 18th and 19th century. Her favourite subjects in school were English and Geography. She loved acting in school plays until she became painfully aware of her tubby figure. She was rude and pushy, since her always got her way at home. Her mother and father doted on her. Her grandfather adored her and wished that she would visit him more.

This is her story. Of what is. Of what could be.