Monday 5 September 2016

We are expecting!

I've never been sappy about kids and for the longest time, I wasn't sure if I even wanted a child. But something changed along the way and I'm now pregnant with not one but two little beans! Fingers crossed, by the time October rolls in, J and I will be parents to two healthy babes.

We are excited. I'm so ready to pop them out right now despite my anxiety over being a good mom and managing two babies at the same time. One doctor gleefully told me- your situation resembles that of a woman pregnant with a single child in the third trimester. This was when I was just 5 months pregnant. So, for all practical purposes, I've been in the third trimester for the majority of my pregnancy! And as any woman who's ever had a child will testify, third trimester is a stinking hellhole.

J and I continue to squabble over names. If we agree on a name, we squabble over the spelling. And the way we end our squabbles is by resorting to name calling. Just one of the many things we will have to change once the babies are here!